Bible Institute

Welcome to the Online Bible Institute (Jesus Moment Bible Institute and Seminary-JMBIS), your online sanctuary for immersive biblical learning and spiritual growth. Our institute stands as a lighthouse, guiding believers and seekers alike on a profound journey through the Scriptures. As you navigate the rich tapestry of biblical narratives, teachings, and wisdom, our comprehensive courses and resources are designed to deepen your understanding and strengthen your faith.

In today’s fast-paced world, we recognize the importance of accessibility and flexibility in pursuing spiritual education. That’s why Online Bible Institute has meticulously crafted a virtual learning environment that transcends geographical boundaries and time constraints. Whether you’re a busy professional, a dedicated parent, or a curious soul seeking answers, our online platform accommodates your unique lifestyle, allowing you to delve into the Word of God at your own pace and comfort.

Our curriculum is thoughtfully developed by a team of esteemed theologians, seasoned pastors, and passionate educators who bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the virtual classroom. From foundational courses on the Old and New Testaments to specialized studies in theology, ethics, and church history, our programs cater to diverse interests and educational goals. Each course is enriched with interactive elements, engaging multimedia content, and vibrant community discussions, fostering a dynamic and supportive learning atmosphere.

At Online Bible Institute, we’re committed to nurturing a global community of learners who are knowledgeable in Scripture and equipped to apply biblical principles in their daily lives. Whether you’re seeking personal enrichment, ministerial training, or academic advancement, our institute is dedicated to illuminating your path and empowering you to shine your light in the world.

Embark on this transformative journey with us, and let the timeless truths of the Bible resonate in your heart and mind. Explore our courses and join a vibrant community of fellow seekers discovering the riches of God’s Word. We want to help everyone succeed so we offer all of our Online Bible Institute courses for free. No tricks, no gimmicks, we offer them freely to anyone who desires to deepen their knowledge in the pursuit of living out their calling and ministry while earning Associates, Bachelors, Masters degrees, and/or Ministry Certificates.

Degree Programs

Certificate Programs

Online Bible Institute

Hello! I’m Steve Lawes (Founder of the Online Bible Institute), and I want to personally invite you to join our Bible Institute to pursue the education you need to fulfill your calling to ministry. We started the Jesus Moment Bible Institute and Seminary in January 2014 with 25 students. We decided to make it available as an online bible institute, and we now have over 1800 students from all over the world. The mission of our Online Bible Institute and Seminary is to create a simple way for people who have a desire and calling for ministry to have a practical online resource offering free online Bible courses to help them prepare for the ministry that God is calling them to.

Getting Started is Easy


Getting registered requires you giving us some information about yourself and answering two questions. Please make sure that you use at least 100 words as you answer the two questions.

Start with AA Courses

Degree seeking students should start with the courses in the Associates of Arts in Ministry Degree. Even if you are hoping to transfer in some courses, the Associate of Arts courses are the place to start.

Follow the Instructions

Each course has instructions that you need to read and follow to successfully complete the course. If you have a specific question about the course please use the Contact Page or the Activity Feed.

You can access most of the courses on our online Bible Institute without being registered. You will need to be registered to use the Activity Feed which is necessary to take Bible Institute courses for credit.

Latest Posts

  • Kingdom Covenant Part 8

    At Keys Vineyard Church, we present a series called ‘Kingdom Covenant,’ which we post here on Online Bible Institute.

    Last week, in our series ‘Kingdom Covenant,’ we examined the lives of Esau and Jacob and discussed the blessing. This week, the focus shifts to Jacob and his wrestling match with God by the Jabbok River.

    Genesis 32:22–31 (NIV)
    22 That night Jacob got up and took his two wives, his two female servants and his eleven sons and crossed the ford of the Jabbok. 23 After he had sent them across the stream, he sent over all his possessions. 24 So Jacob was left alone, and a man wrestled with him till daybreak. 25 When the man saw that he could not overpower him, he touched the socket of Jacob’s hip so that his hip was wrenched as he wrestled with the man. 26 Then the man said, “Let me go, for it is daybreak.” But Jacob replied, “I will not let you go unless you bless me.” 27 The man asked him, “What is your name?” “Jacob,” he answered. 28 Then the man said, “Your name will no longer be Jacob, but Israel, because you have struggled with God and with humans and have overcome.” 29 Jacob said, “Please tell me your name.” But he replied, “Why do you ask my name?” Then he blessed him there. 30 So Jacob called the place Peniel, saying, “It is because I saw God face to face, and yet my life was spared.” 31 The sun rose above him as he passed Peniel, and he was limping because of his hip.

    This passage describes Jacob’s all-night struggle with God. This confrontation occurs at a pivotal time in Jacob’s life as he prepares to reunite with his brother Esau, from whom he had fled years earlier after deceiving him of his blessing.

    The Jabbok River, the setting of Jacob’s struggle, is not merely a geographical location but a symbol of a boundary in his personal and spiritual journey. As Jacob wrestles until dawn, the battle transcends the physical realm, reflecting his internal conflicts—his fears, past deceits, and aspirations. The physical contest, therefore, mirrors a deeper spiritual wrestling: Jacob grappling with his identity, his values, and his future.

    The climax of this narrative is a profound transformation; God blesses Jacob and bestows upon him a new name, Israel, which means “he struggles with God.” This renaming signifies a shift in Jacob’s identity from one who deceives to one who perseveres with God. The physical manifestation of this transformation is significant—Jacob is left with a limp, a permanent reminder of his encounter and a symbol of his changed nature. This new way of walking, both literally and figuratively, signifies a life forever altered, marked by a closer, more complex relationship with God.

    Jacob’s wrestling match with God connects deeply for those on their own spiritual journeys, illustrating that struggles, even those that leave us limping, can lead to profound growth and transformation. It urges us to confront our own challenges and wrestle with our doubts and fears, assuring us that these struggles can lead to a new identity and a deeper faith. Jacob’s story is a compelling reminder that our most difficult battles can yield the greatest blessings, reshaping our path and how we walk through life.

    There is a lot more to this story, so join us this weekend at Keys Vineyard Church in person or online.

    Steve Lawes is a Church Consultant and also provides coaching for pastors, churches, ministries and church planters.

  • Kingdom Covenant Part 7

    At Keys Vineyard Church, we present a series called ‘Kingdom Covenant,’ which we post here on Online Bible Institute.

    Last week, in our series ‘Kingdom Covenant,’ we examined the lives of Esau and Jacob and discussed the birthright. This week, we continue with their story and examine the blessing.

    Genesis 27:24–29 (NIV)
    24 “Are you really my son Esau?” he asked. “I am,” he replied. 25 Then he said, “My son, bring me some of your game to eat, so that I may give you my blessing.” Jacob brought it to him and he ate; and he brought some wine and he drank. 26 Then his father Isaac said to him, “Come here, my son, and kiss me.” 27 So he went to him and kissed him. When Isaac caught the smell of his clothes, he blessed him and said, “Ah, the smell of my son is like the smell of a field that the LORD has blessed. 28 May God give you heaven’s dew and earth’s richness— an abundance of grain and new wine. 29 May nations serve you and peoples bow down to you. Be lord over your brothers, and may the sons of your mother bow down to you. May those who curse you be cursed and those who bless you be blessed.”

    In the Bible, blessings carry a profound significance that transcends wishes for good fortune or casual affirmations. They serve as conduits of divine grace, influencing and molding lives in substantial and enduring ways. The notion that our words possess the power to shape reality is not just a philosophical musing but a biblical truth deeply embedded in the stories and teachings of the Scriptures.

    The account of Jacob and Isaac, as detailed in Genesis, compellingly illustrates the lasting impact of a true blessing. When Isaac blesses Jacob, he does more than utter hopeful words; he invokes a divine mandate that charts the course of Jacob’s life and the history of an entire nation. This blessing, given under remarkable circumstances, includes promises of abundance, protection, and leadership, laying a foundation for Jacob to evolve into Israel, the patriarch of the twelve tribes.

    This narrative underscores the intentional nature of blessings. They are not casual affirmations but deliberate acts that acknowledge and affirm the recipient’s inherent value and divine purpose. Isaac’s blessing for Jacob is a powerful recognition of Jacob’s potential and his rightful place in God’s plan, empowering him to step into that role with divine favor. This transformative power of blessings resonates throughout the biblical texts, where words are not just spoken but are viewed as vessels of creative and prophetic power.

    The biblical concept of blessings and curses illuminates spoken words’ dual nature and potency. Blessings, like Isaac’s for Jacob, can construct and elevate, while curses can bind and dismantle. This duality serves as a stark reminder of the weight of our words. Every word, whether spoken in earnest or in passing, can shape lives for better or worse.

    In the biblical context, a blessing is a powerful and intentional declaration that seeks to align the blessed with their God-given destiny. The story of Jacob and Isaac teaches us that blessings have the strength to transcend time, impacting lives and generations far beyond the moment they are spoken.

    This weekend, Keys Vineyard Church will offer all this and a lot more, so be sure to join us in person or online.

    Steve Lawes is a Church Consultant and also provides coaching for pastors, churches, ministries and church planters.

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