Biblical Training Institute

As part of our mission at the Jesus Moment Bible Institute and Seminary we are constantly searching the Internet for quality college level Bible and Theology courses that are being offered for free. We make our students aware of these courses and we are then are able to incorporate courses that are completed from these institutions into the overall course requirements for degrees here at the Jesus Moment Bible Institute. Linking to these course providers does not imply that we are in anyway affiliated with these institutions.

We would like to introduce you to the Biblical Training Institute (BTI). BTI is a world-class, seminary-level, discipleship program that will help prepare you for an academically sound, real world ministry.

Their classes are drawn from the best professors in 17 graduate schools, not tied to any one church, denomination, or theological tradition, and are controlled by the BTI Statement of Faith.

Paul tells the Galatian church, “My little children, with whom I am again in travail until Christ be formed in you!” (4:19, RSV). This is the call of discipleship, to embark on the process of growing up in Christ, or becoming more like him. Everything they do at Biblical Training is to help Christ be formed in you: your head (knowledge); your heart (transformation); your hands (application).

These classes are available to you at no charge. You can register at no charge. This allows you to download the mp3 audio files as well as listen online.

Suggested BTI Courses

New Testament, its Structure, Content, and Theology

New Testament Survey – Gospels

New Testament Survey – Acts to Revelation

Introduction to the New Testament: Gospel and Acts

Introduction to the New Testament: Romans to Revelation

New Testament Theology

Life of Christ

Old Testament Survey

Old Testament Theology

Biblical Hermeneutics

Biblical Theology

Systematic Theology I

Systematic Theology II

Theology of Ministry

Principles of Effective Leadership

Christian Apologetics

Christian Ethics

History of Philosophy and Christian Thought

Church History I

Church History II

If you have not already done so, we recommend that you create your free account with BTI by clicking here. You can listen to lectures on your computer if you are not logged in, but more features are available for those who are logged in such as mp3 downloads.

To fulfill the requirement here at the Jesus Moment Bible Institute as you complete each lesson you need to go to the BTI Track Forum and under the appropriate topic for the course you are taking post a comment about something that interested or impacted you as you worked through the lesson. You also need to post comments on two other students comments on the lesson. If there are no other posts on the lesson then you only need to post your own.

For your Final Exam you need to write a 750 word paper that includes three things that you have learned during this course. Email your completed paper to

For information on how to write a paper click here.