Christian Library Links on the Online Bible Institute

Here at Online Bible Institute we recently launched a new page on our website called Library Links which serves as a Christian Library resource for our Institute students. This new Library Links page can be found by rolling your mouse over the Forums Menu tab and then running the mouse down to the bottom of the drop down menu and clicking on Library. The Library Links page provides a helpful Christian College Library Resource. We have added what we think are eight extremely helpful and fascinating websites that are loaded with information that will be a blessing to you as you dive into your studies and your ministry.
Christian Classics Ethereal Library (CCEL) – At CCEL you will discover a treasure trove of Christian Classic books that you can read online or download in various forms so you can read them on your smart devices. This is a great resource for doing in-depth study on what the church has had to say about topics through the years.
Reading Rooms Archive – This is another website that has links to some great Christian Classic books that are arranged by Testament and Topic. The content on this website was originally posted on the Tyndale University website but they have stopped curating the site and some of the links no longer function. However, plenty of them do and it makes for a great way to spend some time reading the classics.
Bible Study Tools – You should familiarize yourself with the various Bible study tools that are available on this website.
Bible Gateway – Another excellent resource for Bibles and Bible commentaries.
Bible Org – This is our favorite resource. If you have never explored the Net Bible that is available from Bible Org you need to go and check it out. Open up a Bible passage in the left pane in the NET2 version and then check out ‘Net Notes’ and the Hebrew or Greek in the right pane. It will impact the way you read and study the Bible.
Bible Hub – Yet another great resource for Bibles, Commentaries, Atlas’s and Bible Study Tools.
Book of Common Prayer – This website provides access to most of the historical printings of the Book of Common Prayer. If you enjoy the Daily Office and Liturgy you will enjoy this resource.
Digital Dead Sea Scrolls – We find this to be a fascinating website. On this website you can look at parts of the Dead Sea Scrolls in a digitized format. You can unroll the scrolls and you can see how they were sewn together. It will be worth the time you send to begin to see how the Bible scrolls were used.