Day 11 Morning Psalt Intake

When I am afraid, I will put my trust in You…

Psalm 56

For the Chief Musician. To the tune of “Silent Dove in Distant Lands.” A poem by David, when the Philistines seized him in Gath.
1 Be merciful to me, God, for man wants to swallow me up. All day long, he attacks and oppresses me. 2 My enemies want to swallow me up all day long, for they are many who fight proudly against me. 3 When I am afraid, I will put my trust in you. 4 In God, I praise his word. In God, I put my trust. I will not be afraid. What can flesh do to me? 5 All day long they twist my words. All their thoughts are against me for evil. 6 They conspire and lurk, watching my steps, they are eager to take my life. 7 Shall they escape by iniquity? In anger cast down the peoples, God. 8 You number my wanderings. You put my tears into your bottle. Aren’t they in your book? 9 Then my enemies shall turn back in the day that I call. I know this, that God is for me. 10 In God, I will praise his word. In the LORD, I will praise his word. 11 I have put my trust in God. I will not be afraid. What can man do to me? 12 Your vows are on me, God. I will give thank offerings to you. 13 For you have delivered my soul from death, and prevented my feet from falling, that I may walk before God in the light of the living.
I will lift my voice and worship you my God!

Psalm 57

For the Chief Musician. To the tune of “Do Not Destroy.” A poem by David, when he fled from Saul, in the cave.
1 Be merciful to me, God, be merciful to me, for my soul takes refuge in you. Yes, in the shadow of your wings, I will take refuge, until disaster has passed. 2 I cry out to God Most High, to God who accomplishes my requests for me. 3 He will send from heaven, and save me, he rebukes the one who is pursuing me. Selah. God will send out his loving kindness and his truth. 4 My soul is amongst lions. I lie amongst those who are set on fire, even the sons of men, whose teeth are spears and arrows, and their tongue a sharp sword. 5 Be exalted, God, above the heavens! Let your glory be above all the earth! 6 They have prepared a net for my steps. My soul is bowed down. They dig a pit before me. They fall into the middle of it themselves. Selah. 7 My heart is steadfast, God, my heart is steadfast. I will sing, yes, I will sing praises. 8 Wake up, my glory! Wake up, lute and harp! I will wake up the dawn. 9 I will give thanks to you, Lord, amongst the peoples. I will sing praises to you amongst the nations. 10 For your great loving kindness reaches to the heavens, and your truth to the skies. 11 Be exalted, God, above the heavens. Let your glory be over all the earth.
It is thought that David wrote this Psalm while he was being pursued and persecuted by Saul. It reflects very poignantly his frustration at his circumstances. Circumstances can be very frustrating at times. So, break their teeth, God, in their mouth!

Psalm 58

For the Chief Musician. To the tune of “Do Not Destroy.” A poem by David.
1 Do you indeed speak righteousness, silent ones? Do you judge blamelessly, you sons of men? 2 No, in your heart you plot injustice. You measure out the violence of your hands in the earth. 3 The wicked go astray from the womb. They are wayward as soon as they are born, speaking lies. 4 Their poison is like the poison of a snake; like a deaf cobra that stops its ear, 5 which doesn’t listen to the voice of charmers, no matter how skilful the charmer may be. 6 Break their teeth, God, in their mouth. Break out the great teeth of the young lions, LORD. 7 Let them vanish like water that flows away. When they draw the bow, let their arrows be made blunt. 8 Let them be like a snail which melts and passes away, like the stillborn child, who has not seen the sun. 9 Before your pots can feel the heat of the thorns, he will sweep away the green and the burning alike. 10 The righteous shall rejoice when he sees the vengeance. He shall wash his feet in the blood of the wicked; 11 so that men shall say, “Most certainly there is a reward for the righteous. Most certainly there is a God who judges the earth.”
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