Do You Want to Get Well?

I am about to start a new series at church called “Do You Want to get Well?”. The series is based on a question that Jesus asks a man that has been sick for thirty-eight years who was at the Pool of Bethesda. I think it is one of the most important questions that has ever been asked. It may seem like the answer would be obvious, of course I want to get well! Who doesn’t want to get well? Why else would I be hanging out here at the Pool of Bethesda? But the question is aimed deeper. Are you willing to do what it takes to get well? Do you want to change or do you just want to feel better? What a great question.
I have spent a lot of time thinking about this. It has had a significant impact on my life. It has also inspired me to develop this idea into a new book and a couple of website ideas. That is where I am hoping some of you would be willing to help me. Do YOU want to get well? Are there some areas in your spiritual, physical, emotional, relational life that could use a little tweaking? I have been working on an idea to help people make better life choices. It doesn’t require much time to get involved. Just a willingness to be honest and accountable in four areas. I will explain this in more detail to any of you who might be willing to help me with this project. We will be setting up and using twitter accounts, which are free, to help collect data and stay accountable. The four areas are:
Tweet when you entreat – How often and how long are you praying and reading the Bible every day
Tweet before you eat – This is really helpful because I think a lot of us are really not aware about how much and what we are actually eating during the day and the impact that this has in so many areas of our lives
Tweet your moving feet – How much physical activity are you getting in a day – another big factor in our lives
Tweet before you cheat – An opportunity to pause for a moment and consider what the next right thing is
Anyway, I am hoping to get a handful of people to help me with this. If you are interested let me know!
Love and Blessings
Psalt Daily

Psalt Daily!

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