

The following courses are provided by Harvestime. Harvestime provides courses to colleges, institutes, and schools all over the world. We are proud to partner with them in their mission to “write the vision and make it plain.” If you want more information on Harvestime you can go to their website at harvestime.org.

Strategies for Spiritual Harvest
Foundations of Faith
Creative Bible Study Methods
Old Testament Bible Survey
New Testament Bible Survey
Developing a Biblical Worldview
Kingdom Living
Leaven Like Evangelism
Strategies for Spiritual Warfare
Knowing God’s Voice
Ministry of the Holy Spirit
Power Principles
Biblical Management Principles
Principles of Environmental Analysis
Management by Objectives
Mobilization Methodologies
Teaching Tactics
Multiplication Methodologies
Jail and Prison Ministry
Intercessory Prayer
Healing: Battle for the Body
Women: A Biblical Profile