I am working on a new Daily Devotional Website

I have spent the last couple of weeks working on this new daily devotional website. This site will serve as a complement to the Jesus Moment/Preaching in Shorts/Thankful5 website but will have a different focus. In this site I am intending to develop an idea I have to help believers more fully develop their spiritual lives. I am hoping to help people do this in stages. The first part of this process will be encouraging people to read a portion of the Psalms everyday, and to read all of the Psalms every month. I think this is vital in keeping our “Spiritual Fervor”. I am currently writing a book to help with this first step in the process called “Daily Psalt Intake” which I hope to have finished and printed in time to give away at the Easter celebrations at the Vineyard this year. I would covet your prayers on this journey. If you are getting this post in your email it is because at some point a few years ago you signed up to receive emails from my old God’s Daytimer website. I am reviving the old site name to use for the articles I will write on this Jesus Moment Daily Devotionals site.

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