It’s Not All About Me Hebrews 10:25

Hebrews 10:25 (NIV)
25 Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another–and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
This week we will be in verse 25 and talk more about how the realization that ‘it is not all about me’ will help us to be more encouraging.
It’s Not All About Me
We talked about this idea last week as we examined Hebrews 10:24. When we put ourselves at the center of the story it messes life up. Do you trust God to do what He says He will do, or will you take what you want by whatever means necessary? This is the heart of the problem in the story. Adam and Eve should have trusted God, instead they took what they wanted. This happens again and again in the Bible story and in our lives as well.
Life is better when we are trusting God. When we are loving well and living well and actively thinking about how we can help others love and live well. With that understanding in mind we can look at why it is so important that we not give up meeting together.
Before we jump into the importance of meeting together, I want to include a quick caveat. Over the last two years of dealing with Covid a number of people have shifted to watching online. I am good with that. I think it is a viable answer for a lot of people who have difficulties getting out, are overwhelmingly busy, or have had trouble finding a church they can connect with. I am in no way chastising anyone for choosing to watch online. I would encourage you though, that you need to watch in an engaged way. Not multitasking. Not just spectating. Sing the songs out loud. Stand up if you can. Have your Bibles handy so you can turn to the verses. Watch in some sort of corporate way with others. I have heard of family and friends watching at the same time from different places. They text back and forth with each other and with other people online. Maybe you could invite some neighbors over to watch every now and again. Participating in church online in any of these ways is still meeting together.
Romans 12:5 (NIV)
5 so in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.
Your gifts, talents, time, prayers, etc. are an important part of the church. You matter, you make a difference. Part of the reason you cannot give up meeting together is that the church needs you. You may not always feel like meeting together for a variety of reasons, but we have to remember it is not all about me.
It Is Some About Me
Whenever I say that it is not all about me, I will usually add the statement, it is some about me. Sometimes when we don’t feel like hanging out with the church it might mean that we are moving in a direction that is not good for us.
Yes, people in the church can be difficult sometimes but it is not a reason for not meeting together. Let me make a little illustration using our friends in law enforcement.
When you are in trouble or in need of assistance, or someone is messing with you, and a law enforcement officer arrives on the scene, it is a good thing. You are happy to see them, they are going to help you. But, if you are doing something that maybe you shouldn’t be doing, you may not be excited to see that very same law enforcement officer. They didn’t change, the only thing different is what YOU are up to.
We could also use this illustration with tow truck drivers. They are great when you are broken down on the side of the road. They are not so great when you have parked where you shouldn’t. The only difference is what YOU are doing or not doing.
When we are trying to live by doing the next right thing, the church is a good thing. It is there to help us, encourage us, pray for us, bless us, etc. But, if we are moving in a direction that is not good for us, suddenly the very same church is a critical, mean spirited, judgmental, bunch of hypocrites who are just trying to get all up in my business.
1 John 1:7 (NIV)
7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.
The reality is, we need the church as much as the church needs us. The fruit of the Spirit, which is what needs to be developed in us, happens in the context of community. The fruit of the Spirit has tremendous value in the kingdom of God.
We also learn about, and grow in, being disciples as we navigate living in community. It is not all about me, but it is some about me.
Be An Encourager
As we have been saying since we stared this series, we are to be encouragers. It is one of the most important things we will do. An encouraging person is good to be around because they build you up with their words, actions, and attitudes.
We live in a grumpy fearful world filled with a constant barrage of bad news and fear. This constant stream of bad news is a factor in why the world is so grumpy and fearful. Fortunately, the Bible is a book of encouragement, truth, hope, love, purpose, and forgiveness.
Romans 15:4-5 (NIV)
4 For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope. 5 May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus,
We are to be encouraging and all the more as the day approaches. What day? It seems that there is always someone predicting the end of the world. No one but God knows when that day will be. But what you really need to know is, that whenever that day might be, it is not a fearful thing for those of us who are following Jesus.
Hebrews 9:28 (NIV)
28 so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many people; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him.
As believers, it is the day we are looking forward to. Jesus is coming back. While the life in Christ is a real, full, and abundant life now, what is coming is way better. It’s what we are looking and longing for. The whole creation is longing for the return of Christ. As a believer in Christ you do not need to be afraid. Jesus is coming to set everything right.
Steve Lawes is the founder of the Online Bible Institute and Pastor of Keys Vineyard Church.