A Master of Divinity (M.Div.) in Ministry offers a comprehensive theological and practical education for those called to Christian ministry. This advanced degree integrates academic study with spiritual formation and pastoral application, providing students with the skills and knowledge necessary to serve effectively in various ministry contexts. Here are some of the primary benefits:
Theological Foundation: An M.Div. program delves deep into theology, giving students a solid grounding in core Christian doctrines. This helps ministers articulate their faith clearly and handle complex theological issues confidently.
Pastoral Skills: Beyond just theology, the degree equips students with essential pastoral skills such as preaching, counseling, and leadership. These skills ensure that they can shepherd their congregations with wisdom and care.
Spiritual Formation: Spiritual growth is integral to an M.Div. curriculum. Students are often provided opportunities for personal reflection, prayer, and spiritual mentorship, fostering a deeper relationship with God, which is vital for effective ministry.
Ecumenical Exposure: Many courses expose students to various Christian traditions and practices, promoting a broader understanding of the global church and fostering ecumenical dialogue.
Practical Experience: The M.Div. program incorporates a Capstone Project, allowing students to gain practical ministry experience. This real-world application is invaluable, helping students integrate their theoretical knowledge into genuine pastoral situations.
Professional Credibility: Possessing an M.Div. often lends credibility in ministerial circles. Many denominations require or highly recommend this degree for ordination, signifying its esteemed value in preparing ministers for service.
Networking Opportunities: Studying in our Bible Institute often connects students with experienced pastors, missionaries, and theologians. These connections can be crucial for future ministry opportunities and collaborations.
Academic Pursuits: For those inclined towards scholarly work, the M.Div. can be a stepping stone towards further theological studies, such as a Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.) or a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in theology or religious studies.
Holistic Development: An M.Div. program typically emphasizes a holistic approach to ministry, addressing not just the intellect but also the emotional, social, and spiritual aspects of the minister’s life. This ensures that graduates are well-rounded and resilient in their service.
The Online Bible Institute Master of Divinity in Ministry offers rigorous and holistic training that prepares individuals for impactful service in the Christian church. Whether one’s calling is pastoral, educational, missionary, or another form of ministry, the M.Div. equips them with the tools needed to serve effectively and faithfully.
Prerequisites: Master of Arts Degree, Certificate of Completion of the Art of Biblical Words, Capstone Proposal
Requirements: Successfully complete twelve (12) of the courses in our Master of Divinity in Ministry course track, and a Capstone Project.
Course Instructions
1. You must complete each lesson in the course. When you complete a lesson, go to the Site-Wide Activity Feed and post a comment about something that interested or impacted you as you worked through the lesson. Your comment needs to be well thought out and at least 100 words. These posts will be counted as part of the writing requirement for the course so please write well thought out comments on what you are learning in the lesson. Please start your comment by referring to the course name and the session or lesson number of the course. You also need to post comments on two other students recent comments on courses they are currently taking.
2. After you have completed all of the lessons in the course, you will need to write and submit a 1500 word paper on three things that have made an impact on you during the course. You may use your forum posts as the foundation for your paper.
3. You must also write a 300 word paper on ways that you can apply what you have learned into your life/ministry.
Course List
In order to earn the Master of Divinity in Ministry Degree from our Bible Institute you will need to complete twelve (12) of the following courses. You may take them in any order you wish. Click on the links below for access to the courses.
Graduate Level Courses from Biblical Training Institute
This program is designed specifically for people wanting a graduate-level education. All of these classes are taught by some of the finest faculty, handpicked from major seminaries.
You will need to sign up and log in to the Biblical Training Institute to access the courses. You can login by clicking here Biblical Training Institute Login.
Theology of World Missions (Biblical Training Institute)
Advanced Worldview Analysis (Biblical Training Institute)
Old Testament Survey (Biblical Training Institute)
New Testament Survey – Gospels (Biblical Training Institute)
New Testament Survey – Acts to Revelation (Biblical Training Institute)
Biblical Hermeneutics (Biblical Training Institute)
Old Testament Theology (Biblical Training Institute)
Biblical Theology (Biblical Training Institute)
Systematic Theology I (Biblical Training Institute)
Systematic Theology II (Biblical Training Institute)
Worship (Biblical Training Institute)
Spiritual Life of the Leader (Biblical Training Institute)
Pastoral Care and Leadership (Biblical Training Institute)