You will need to log in and sign up to the Third Mill Institute in order to receive a course completion certificate which is one of our course requirements. You can login by clicking here Third Mill Institute.
Course Description:
The Pauline Studies Course consists of two parts. Biblical Studies Part 3a – Heart of Paul’s Theology and Biblical Studies Part 3b – Paul’s Prison Epistles. You are required to complete both parts to complete the Pauline Studies Course.
Biblical Studies Part 3a – Heart of Paul’s Theology
Course description
Paul passionately proclaimed the good news of individual salvation in Jesus Christ, but this wasn’t the heart of his gospel. According to Paul, salvation is not primarily about individuals being saved from the wrath of God. Rather, the gospel is about the triumph of Jesus Christ and the kingdom of God. This course will unpack these issues as the central message of Paul in Galatians, 1 and 2 Thessalonians, and 1 and 2 Corinthians. You will gain a better understanding of the kingdom of God and rejoice in Jesus’ amazing plans for his people and his world. This course is based on the lecture series, The Heart of Paul’s Theology, produced by Third Millennium Ministries and presented by Dr. Reggie M. Kidd.
Dr. Reggie M. Kidd
Dr. Reggie M. Kidd is a seminary professor and ordained minister. He earned his M.A.R: and M.Div. at Westminster Theological Seminary and his Ph.D. at Duke University. He currently teaches at Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando, Florida. He has published the following books: Wealth and Beneficence in the Pastoral Epistles and How Can I Keep from Singing?
Goals and Objectives
In this course, we would like to accomplish the following:
1. We hope that you learn the key biblical teachings about Paul and the heart of his theology, focusing on his epistles to the Galatians, the Thessalonians, and the Corinthians.
2. We hope you learn to rejoice in the grace of God and in His kingdom community, and that you develop a healthy attitude regarding Christ’s second coming as you see how it fits in the larger plan for the kingdom of God.
3. We hope that you will apply the teachings of these New Testament epistles to your own life, especially that you become less individualistic and less legalistic, and that you actively participate in the extension of the kingdom of God as you wait for Christ’s return.
When you have done the following, it will show that the goals are met:
1. Obtain satisfactory grades in all the tests, demonstrating that you can identify key biblical teachings about the life and ministry of Paul, the background and content of his epistles to the Galatians, the Thessalonians, and the Corinthians, and that you understand the key emphasis of Paul’s theology.
2. Answer the application questions in the study guides, expressing your attitude regarding the grace of God, the kingdom community, and the second coming of Christ, and showing how this course has affected your life, especially that you have become less individualistic and less legalistic, and that you are actively participating in the extension of the kingdom of God as you wait for Christ’s return.
Thematic Outline of the Course
1. Paul and His Theology
2. Paul and the Galatians
3. Paul and the Thessalonians
4. Paul and the Corinthians
Explanation of Assignments
The Multimedia Lessons
1. Study the lessons, watching the video, listening to the audio, or reading the text.
2. Complete the study guides for each lesson. These study guides will prepare you for the online quizzes and help you apply the teachings of the lesson to your own life. (For those students associated with a particular institution wishing to track the completion of the completion of the Study Guides, a drop box has been provided at the end of the course.)
3. Take the online quizzes on each section of the lessons. The quizzes may be taken as many times as you want, but you must wait five days between each attempt, and the official grade will be from the first attempt.
4. Optional: We recommend that you look through the glossaries and use the learning games to become familiar with special names and technical terms used in the lessons.
5. Take the cumulative test for each complete lesson. You may take the test again as many times as you want for review, but you must wait five days between each attempt, and the official grade is from the first attempt.
6. When you have finished all the lessons on the multimedia lectures, take the final exam on the lectures.
Course Requirements:
1. You must complete each lesson in the course. After you complete the requirements for a lesson/session, go to the Activity Feed and post a comment about something that interested or impacted you as you worked through the lesson. Your comment needs to be well thought out and at least 75 words. These posts will be counted as part of the writing requirement for the course so please write well thought out comments on what you are learning in the lesson. Please start your comment by referring to the course name and session or lesson number of the course. You also need to post comments on two other students recent comments on courses they are currently taking.
2. After completing all of the lessons in the course, you will need to write a 750 word paper on three things that have impacted you during the course and submit it using the Completed Coursework Upload form. At the Bachelor’s Degree Level, your paper must be well-written.
Click here if you need information on How to Write a Paper. Your forum posts can be helpful in writing your paper.
3. Once you complete a course with a satisfactory grade at Third MIll Institute (IIIM), you can print out a certificate for yourself and then you need to email us a copy so we can record it as a completed course in your school record.
Third Mill Institute Course Link:
Biblical Studies Part 3a – Heart of Paul’s Theology
When you have completed Biblical Studies Part 3a, you must also complete Biblical Studies Part 3b – Paul’s Prison Epistles
Biblical Studies Part 3b – Paul’s Prison Epistles
Course description
As Christians, we face many challenges to our faith. False teachings and worldviews assault our loyalty to Christ. Suffering tempts us to think that God is not in control or that he does not have our best interests at heart. Our relationships with other believers are often strained to the point that we doubt the value of the church. This course will help you deal with these issues as you explore the teachings of Colossians, Ephesians, Philemon, and Philippians. It is based on the lecture series, Paul’s Prison Epistles, produced by Third Millennium Ministries and presented by Dr. Reggie M. Kidd.
Goals and Objectives
In this course, we would like to accomplish the following:
1. We hope that you will learn the key information regarding Paul, his background, and the epistles of Colossians, Ephesians, Philemon, and Philippians.
2. We hope that you grow in your love for Christ and in your commitment to serve Him and His people, willing to persevere even in the midst of conflict and suffering.
3. We hope that you will apply the teachings of these New Testament epistles to make changes in your own life. We hope you will become more faithful in your Christian walk, especially learning to persevere in the midst of suffering, to deal with false teachings, to resolve conflicts, and to encourage others in Christ.
When you have done the following, it will show that the goals are met:
1. Obtain satisfactory grades in the tests, demonstrating that you can identify key information about the background, content, and modern application of Colossians, Ephesians, Philemon, and Philippians.
2. Complete the study guides and other assignments of the course, expressing your sentiments about Christ and about persevering in the midst of suffering and conflict, as well as showing how this course has affected your life, especially how you are learning to persevere in the midst of suffering, to deal with false teachings, to resolve conflicts, and to encourage others in Christ.
Thematic Outline of the Course
1. Paul’s Imprisonment
2. Paul and the Colossians
3. Paul and the Ephesians
4. Paul and Philemon
5. Paul and the Philippians
Explanation of Assignments
The Multimedia Lessons
1. Study the lessons, watching the video, listening to the audio, or reading the text.
2. Complete the study guides for each lesson. These study guides will prepare you for the online quizzes and help you apply the teachings of the lesson to your own life. (For those students associated with a particular institution wishing to track the completion of the completion of the Study Guides, a drop box has been provided at the end of the course.)
3. Take the online quizzes on each section of the lessons. The quizzes may be taken as many times as you want, but you must wait five days between each attempt, and the official grade will be from the first attempt.
4. Optional: We recommend that you look through the glossaries and use the learning games to become familiar with special names and technical terms used in the lessons.
5. Take the cumulative test for each complete lesson. You may take the test again as many times as you want for review, but you must wait five days between each attempt, and the official grade is from the first attempt.
6. When you have finished all the lessons on the multimedia lectures, take the final exam on the lectures.
Course Requirements:
1. You must complete each lesson in the course. After you complete the requirements for a lesson/session, go to the Activity Feed and post a comment about something that interested or impacted you as you worked through the lesson. Your comment needs to be well thought out and at least 75 words. These posts will be counted as part of the writing requirement for the course so please write well thought out comments on what you are learning in the lesson. Please start your comment by referring to the course name and session or lesson number of the course. You also need to post comments on two other students recent comments on courses they are currently taking.
2. After completing all of the lessons in the course, you will need to write a 750 word paper on three things that have impacted you during the course and submit it using the Completed Coursework Upload form. At the Bachelor’s Degree Level, your paper must be well-written.
Click here if you need information on How to Write a Paper. Your forum posts can be helpful in writing your paper.
3. Once you complete a course with a satisfactory grade at Third MIll Institute (IIIM), you can print out a certificate for yourself and then you need to email us a copy so we can record it as a completed course in your school record.
Third Mill Institute Course Link:
Biblical Studies Part 3b – Paul’s Prison Epistles