
What are you thankful for today, 2nd July 2024? Share five things you are thankful for in the box below and take some time to read what others have shared as well. (Daily Psalt Reading)  (Daily Sage Reading)

Dixie Lee Henckel
Waking up with His love in my soul…
This glorious rain we are now getting each day in our drought area…
Reading Tom’s thankful five always warms my heart..
( having watched his family grow up)
The quiet patience my Lord is reminding me that I need, many times daily..
He is keeping me strong and healthy to care for us.
Tom D
A Sunday of tremendous worship and rest, soothing deeply into all my ache free joints and bones!☝🏻💯🎁🙏…
Live-streaming brings both of our church and blood families together(TN boys podcast Sunday evenings)…
Our Heavenly Father has given me earthly reign as a dad, understanding a bit more of His hearts desires thru our struggles✝️…
Diving deeper into His Word draws me closer to both His will and a couple very special pastors whose greatest strength is their humility❤️‍🩹🎁💒…
1 cup of morning coffee lasts an hour or two📖❤️…
Cheryl’s quiet beauty speaks volumes🥰
Dixie Lee Henckel
A pleasant and productive Sunday..
Watching our home church online…
Spending sweet time with good friends….
Being in our humble home …
Being a child of our mighty and loving God!
Dixie Lee Henckel
Our God always calms my soul….
When I talk to him, I instantly feel calm …
He is my everything….
He has never let me down…
He hears my pleas and forgives my sins

Matthew 28:20🙏

Goood morning, Tom D🥰
Tom D
Hurricanes help us with spring cleaning, making sure nothing insignificant is laying around downstairs!…
It’s really amazing how our Lord’s presence shelters us under His wings however He chooses🎁✝️❤️‍🩹…
Falling asleep and waking in prayer…
Frans watchful eye…
God moments meeting new people
Dixie Lee Henckel
Home …..
Safe driving to get here…
Family is everything..
Good neighbors that are freinds..
God is my everything 🙏
Tom is my thankful friend everyday!

Psalm 91:2
Tom D
Meeting Dixie here daily for years…
Being validated thru His Word, not my feelings…
Working with good friends and having Charlie for summer help…
Throne room mornings…
Our growing family put their faith first and on the line
Dixie Lee Henckel
I am thankful for my creator….
For His guiding love…
For His forgiveness…
For how He loves me through Tom D and his words of faith….
For Pastor Steve and Pastor Florence, who pray for us all and teach us every week.

For this time I have spent here in Alabama with Karter and many old friends
Tom D
Church leaders who help us invite Holy Spirit in our praying(like a coach who teaches good practice habits)…
TJ had 6 weeks maternity leave from corrupt post office and felt like a normal person(after too many years of mandatory 6 days a week)!…
Our growing and tightly knit mens group…
Jeremiah’s prophesies echo God’s heart today…
Growing deposits of His love He allows me to hear in music🎁🎶
Dixie Lee Henckel
He is with me day after precious day…
He hears my prayers of love and gratitude…
He knows my heart for being His child…
I know He will continue to be with me as I care for Bob, and He will give me patience, and loving tools to manage this course of life.
Our God creates miracle after miracle for you and me on His earth.
I love You so, my savior🙏
Tom D
He gives us eyes and ears to see and hear(sometimes when others can’t)…
Those arctic cold winters in Buffalo working on vehicles gives me patience working on them here🥶😎(James 1:3)…
A good buddy teaches me how to fish even when we’re not on the water(Fran😉)…
NightWatch service tonight stretches my comfort zone, hoping Cheryl changes her mind to go🙏…
My ember coffee cup from Mecaya keeps my one cup hot for hours!☕️❤️📖
Dixie Lee Henckel
His love for me keeps me grounded …
He is teaching me to be master of my emotions….
Today I celebrate the birthday of my good friend, Tex Johnson….who is with You in heaven, my Lord.
Today I will get to see old horse show friends for lunch….
His agape love for us all is better than everything else on earth .
Tom D
Cheryl’s delicate spirit and sharp mind…
His presence makes everything else secondary, including Panthers winning the Stanley Cup much to our grandsons(and Kurt!😉) liking🏒👆😎…
Ephesians 1 speaks of giving us intelligence to worship and live, the gift He so graciously gave back to me 40 years ago when I surrendered my all to our Lord and Savior🎁❤️‍🩹✝️…
A heart to quietly serve though some may disagree with the quiet part😂…
This tiny island full of opportunity and life(and can’t hardly wait to be back on the morning water with Fran)🎣
Dixie Lee Henckel
Good blessed day, Tom and Pastor Steve🙏

A night of good rest….
Waking up here with Karter….
This trip has been good….
Knowing that my Father will walk with me brought the end of Bob’slife….
The Freedom to pray openly and often…..

Romans 10:10 and Proverbs 16:18 both are embedded in my mind 🙏
Dixie Lee Henckel
His amazing love outshines everything else….
His guidance in my reactions is cherished…
Prayers to Him calm my soul…
Loving Bob as he journeys deeper into his abyss….
Ready for my Father to guide me into his new week.🙏💖
Tom D
Connection is protection, TN family is growing spiritually...
Doug and Kim hit it outa the park this wkd...
A couple good friends...
Fantastic podcasts...
This season of "waiting" on God while pressing forward with purpose
Dixie Lee Henckel
I am grateful to spend time with my bff Judy Darnell….
For this time with Bob away from home
For this time with Karter
To know that my savior loves me.
For His guidance through life with Bob..
Tom D
His Word is our safe haven…
Leaving tough emotions at the foot of the cross✝️❤️‍🩹…
Joy of grandkids❤️🎁…
Pressing into the great commandment is where we find His presence…
Technology working for us and utube to fix stuff
Dixie Lee Henckel
He is my lifeline..
He is my sanity..
He is my rest…
He is my clarity…
He is my provider🙏
Thankful for my Father, and His millions of miracles.
Tom D
Giving God the glory naturally…
It’s the wkd!…
Family Fun with another panther loss, game 7 Monday night🏒…
Audible bible reading…
Waiting on God with very important matters
Dixie Lee Henckel
Waking up in Karter’s new home on Lake Guntersville..
Our visit to Tennessee , seeing old pals and beautiful country and mountains..
A good night of sleep….
Enjoying Bob at this stage of his disease…
Spending time with great friends right here in northern Alabama.

Thank You my Father for Your agape love🙏
Tom D
Our daily offering, His Word gets 1st place each morning as I wake and the evidence of our faith in gratitude to His faithfulness…
5-2-1 and our Vineyard nation on this tiny island!🎁💒✝️…
Stevie and Reed’s sheer joy of playing hockey with “gramps”😉…
Fresh joy each day at “work”, words can’t adequately describe His faithfulness to me❤️😎…
Cheryl is our scholar 😉
Tom D
Listening to a podcast with Cheryl resurrects childhood memories of radio shows...
Family dinnertime once or twice a week(Friday night homemade pizza❤)...
Morning throne room📖...
Grandsons call me most evenings to play hockey🏒🎁...
Helping people connect in more ways than one
Dixie Lee Henckel
Knowing that He hears my prayers, however I talk with Him…..
The beauty of today…
How Karter’s new home is coming together…
Spending precious time with old friends up here…
I am learning extreme patience in all situations 🙏
Tom D
Learning different ways to pray, necessity is the mother of invention🤔...
Disciplining my thoughts, rooted in visions and dreams(His righteousness)...
Realizing I shouldn't put a limit on His goodness...
Meeting Eric for his 1st time at mens group, and his incredible testimony as a new convert who's not only been reading his Bible for 2 months but another eye witness of angelic beings at church around pastor on Easter Sunday as he put 1 foot on stage rim while praying for congregation!🎁💒...
Island life, including many outreaches with Fran and others