
What are you thankful for today, 21st January 2025? Share five things you are thankful for in the box below and take some time to read what others have shared as well. (Daily Psalt Reading)  (Daily Sage Reading)

Tom D
Unusual Christian friendships ⚔️📖…
Go podcasting!…
Snowbird season amps up the excitement at church services💒🎶…
Working with trades and peoples spiritual growth, sometimes at the same time!🎁…
Fran and Georgina are finally in their new temporary home till they move back to r neighborhood🏡
Dixie Lee Henckel
My heart is full with today’s power being handed over to a better leadership for us all.
Both messages here yesterday were to pray and wait on God to show us the way….to find joy in NOW.
Talking yesterday with Bob soothes my heart….he seems happy now that he has settled in.
Looking forward to this week with activities and Jeani’ s visit.
I KNOW that my savior loves me through my sins and loneliness.

1Timothy 4:7
Dixie Lee Henckel
My Lord is my everything…
My children are a true blessing…
When I feel so lonely, I remind myself that this world is full of people alone..
I so appreciate every blessing He bestows upon me daily.
My Father knows my heart.

Psalm 27:8
Tom D
Yes Dixie, another day is another gift to do the next right thing!…
It’s Sunday💒…
Fran and Georgina have a cozy new home while rebuilding…
Eddys wisdom gone will reduce his migraines…
Inviting the officer to church that have me a warning😉👍
Dixie Lee Henckel
Waking up with His name on my lips…
Feeling the love of the Lord, as I go through each precious day of my life..
The blessing of meeting new people, with hope that I might enrichen their lives..
My sweet humble home….
Knowing that my Kevin and dear friends I’ve lost are with our savior…..being saved again IS my greatest life accomplishment.

Psalm 86:11-13
Tom D
Gaining wisdom from some of our boys…
Loving more from my struggles…
A 2nd dinner date in 3 nights, this time with Mikki and Randy…
His Word is our lifeline…
Beautiful keys winters
Dixie Lee Henckel
Praying helps my soul….
Good friends help keep me busy
Good health allows me to enjoy life daily
God blesses me each day with a new one
He knows I want to serve Him through faith and loving others.
Dixie Lee Henckel
My God is my everything….all else pales next to my love for Him…
His Word sustains me as I navigate life on earth….
Always being kind and doing the next right thing fill me with love for all…
Praying for my neighbors gives me hope for their souls….
My Lord knows I want to be my best for Him, in all I think, say and do.

Psalm 107:1
Dixie Lee Henckel
As His child, I stand tall ….
I also stand proudly as I openly pray to Him many times daily..
I know only He has the answers, and I trust Him 100%…
His love for me sustains me every day.
I pray for His plans for me now that I am alone .
Tom D
Taking no small things for granted…
His Word is riveting in nature as we receive His love, rather than trying to earn it📖⚔️…
Many techy helpers when I’m frustrated, particularly Doug🎁…
Fran having success in their distress figuring out how to manage this next year of day to day living🤝…
1 very expensive gallon of Benjamin Moore finished Cheryl’s new sewing room❤️
Dixie Lee Henckel
Praying daily for His guidance …how I can minister to others in His name.
Thankful for this new day on earth…
For good pastors who love our Father…
Good friends who share every day life with me…
My warm home, blessed by my savior.

Proverbs 27:17. Is so true
Dixie Lee Henckel
His love is the greatest….
He wants you and me to share and spread our faith everywhere….
I still do acts of kindness every day…
Tried anew church yesterday….comfy and good folks there..
Today is His gift to me, so my gift to Him is to make it my best.
Tom D
Faith hope and LOVE...
Sunday evening home field dinner party...
Sundays here and parking lot is FULL‼️...
Fran and Georgina are being blessed in their distress of losing their home and 2 out of 3 vehicles 🙏...
My sister made it home to WNY with her 10 large bags of frozen stone crab 🦀...
Sermon insights from Holy Spirit
Dixie Lee Henckel
Prayers to my Father give me peace…
Wanting to live this last chapter of my life being the best child of His I can be…
Desire to serve Him is strong in my heart..
Letting go of my life with Bob is so hard, that I need my Father to help me.
Lifting up my dear friends here with health issues🙏. Asking Him to forgive my daily sins.

Psalm 27:1
Tom D
Remembering to pray more, asking for wisdom even in the mundane where I think it doesn’t really matter to ask…
Looking for creative and subtle ways to bring Him glory…
Answered prayer by a community service guy helping me out at church…
Loving on Cheryl is a fresh coat of paint in her new sewing room🟡⚪️…
Made it to another wkd of worship☝🏻🎶❤️
Dixie Lee Henckel
Prayers to my Father all the day and into the night….
How sometimes after I am put in a new situation, it becomes comical….
Facing reality as we lean on our Lord….
My faith sustains me through each precious new day..
My love for Bob and our Kevin will go into forever with me, as I remember that Bob is back where he wanted to be…

Luke 6:37
Tom D
My sister took us to cheryls fav breakfast joint blue heaven and comes back next Christmas for a 19th year!...
Earlier morning devos ☕️...
His Living Word fuels my soul...
Meeting family and community needs in many areas...
Calmly amping up for tourist season after being carried thru a season of unrest
Dixie Lee Henckel
My father God is my life center..
He gives me new life every morning..
He sees that I am surrounded in His loving grace
He knows my heart and soul
He knows my life long love for Bob.

John 15:7
Tom D
His Word is a lamp to my feet and light to my path…
All things in moderation…
Enjoying Him and glorifying Him forever…
Very full and purpose driven days…
Being a chosen people thru His blood, daily repenting of my selfish ways
Dixie Lee Henckel
He is with me as I learn to live alone…
He will guide me to show me how I can serve Him and mankind…
My health allows me to look at helping others ..
My children and a few good friends fill my heart with love…
My warm home in this winter snap in Florida..
Dixie Lee Henckel
My prayers give me such comfort…
Asking for health improvements for Bonnie and Diane 🙏
He helps me to stay in my own space…
A few truly good friends is a treasure…
Grateful for my home, my nest .
Psalm 27:1
Tom D
Fran has Georgina’s best interest front and center despite his man cave tendencies to rough it till their home is rebuilt…
Garrett seems to be coming around spiritually being surrounded by healthy mentors working at the KW homeless shelter…
Cheryl is cutting back on her commitments…
Healthy mens group comraderie…
Eddy is making very mature and healthy choices weaving his family and work together(and asks me tough questions)🎁☝🏻
Dixie Lee Henckel
Warm home
Good friends visiting from Michigan..
Prayers are so soul cleansing…
His Word sustains me
Peace in my home, with good friends near

Matthew 6 34
Dixie Lee Henckel
His love for you and me is above all else….
His forgiveness of our sins amazes me…
He gives me a blessed new day today, to openly cherish Him through praise and prayer…
As much as I miss my life with Bob, helping him to go was the right thing …
I have the best friends who surround me daily with
their love .
Psalm 9:10
Tom D
The love God gave me for Cheryl…
Belief God instills in me is immeasurable…
Responding in great love from Georgina’s urgent phone call for help at 1am, to find their burnt home a total loss yet they were unscathed(downstairs unfixable yet only smoke damage upstairs with everything intact)…
Peace beyond understanding, knowing His blessings in disguise(boys even wrote a song on the subject)…
Leadership is action that doesn’t need words at times