We Just Added our 800th Student!

Another great milestone here at our Online Bible Institute as we now have eight hundred students registered at Jesus Moment Bible Institute and Seminary from all around the world. We are blessed to be able to offer a great selection of courses to help and equip people from all over the world to learn and grow in their walk with the Lord. We are thankful to be able to be a resource to help so many as they study to show themselves approved. We are encouraged to see many of our students actively involved in the ministries that God has called them to. If the rest of the article is not displaying just (click here to read the rest of the article)

We want to encourage you, as a student at our Online Bible Institute, to keep on pressing in and pressing on in the Lord. It can be difficult to keep on track with all of the busyness of our day to day lives, but the effort you out into your studies will have dividends in the Kingdom of God. We are praying for you to stay the course and to keep on working towards your goals and dreams.

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